Go with Purpose

Don't just show up. Make things happen!

It’s important to walk into the gym, studio, court or field with purpose. Showing up is half the battle, but what you do with that time is the other half. If you don’t know what you’re doing or why, it is pretty difficult to actually be productive.

One of the easiest ways to ensure you maximize your time during workouts is by writing down what you’re going to do. On paper or on your phone, it doesn’t matter. This will ensure you don’t get side tracked or mosey around without a real clue as to what you’re doing.

A common misconception is that you have to workout for a long time to be productive. I couldn’t disagree more. You can sit in a gym for 2 hours and not accomplish as much as someone who goes for 40 minutes. Time spent isn’t as important as exercises performed. Get in there and grind.

Data talks.

Joe AltomareComment