Muscle Maintenance

Muscle Maintenance

We all know stretching is important, but do we truly understand the importance of soft tissue therapy? From simple static stretching to a full on massage, our muscles need maintenance as we put them through our daily grind. Yes, this still applies to you if you aren’t a workout fiend or marathon runner. 2020 has placed many of us in our homes more than we are used to. Some of us now work from home and we definitely are sitting in front of screens more often than we are used to and even this calls for muscle maintenance.

An important thing to keep in mind about the body is that everything is connected in some way or another. For example, if one of your back muscles is too tight from pulling something awkwardly, that can create a shift in the way your hips are aligned. A shift in hip alignment can cause a tight hamstring or quad on that same side. You may walk with a different gate than normal, which could even lead to shin splints. Just one tweak can lead to a multitude of issues.

Now, not everything is doom and gloom, don’t you worry! The solution is often quite simple. Get into the habit of stretching daily and if your body is being put through a little extra stress, stretch multiple times a day. Stress on the body can be from working out, being on your feet or sitting too long, you name it. View yourself like a professional athlete and take care of the one body you have.

Along with your normal stretches, you may need extra neuromuscular work from a professional. Things like cupping, muscle stripping, massages, interferential units, cryotherapy are all incredibly beneficial for recovery. Again, you don’t have to be a professional athlete to reap the rewards either. If you are, however, putting yourself through various athletic and physical trials, it’s going to be even more important for you to be vigilant in your recovery.

*As always, it’s important to check with your physician or health professional before experimenting with different modalities depending on your condition.*
