Sugar: Your Quiet Enemy

Sugar: Your Quiet Enemy

It's widely known that too much sugar is bad for you. Nobody would argue differently. The question is, how much sugar is too much?

You may be surprised to find out that most people I speak with significantly over consume their daily sugar intake. The worst part? They don’t even realize it! It’s important to note that naturally occurring sugars in fruits and vegetables are okay and are a great source of energy. So let’s keep it simple and just stick to added sugars in our day to day lives.

According to the American Heart Association, men should consume 37.5 grams of added sugar a day. Women, on the other hand, should consume only 25 grams of added sugar a day. Remember, this is the maximum amount advised.

So, what does this mean? Unfortunately, it means most people are getting close to or over their maximum amount of added sugar a day just with their morning coffee! So imagine what happens if you have multiple cups of coffee a day or you drink soda. This is part of the reason diabetes is becoming such a large issue. We need to significantly dial back our sugar intake. Obviously, this is quite the generalization and there are people who require more or less depending on their health conditions, but for the most part, we have a sugar issue on our hands. I tell clients that sugar intake is one of the biggest issues people come across when trying to get in shape and most people don’t even realize how much they’re actually intaking. If you can manage your sugar intake properly, you’re already propelling yourself forward in a positive way. It’s one of the first things we try to manage when creating a plan for someone with fitness goals.

High sugar consumption has been linked to:

  • Increasing likelihood of Type 2 Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • High blood pressure

  • Lowering “good” cholesterol and raising “bad” cholesterol

  • And much more

It is my belief that once you are armed with this knowledge, it makes a world of difference. Everything you put in your body has some kind of effect (some great, some not so great). I love a good cup of coffee as much as the next guy, but I have to take into consideration what the rest of my day is going to look like afterward. With this knowledge, you can significantly improve your lifestyle habits and be on your way to a healthier you.


As always, consult with your physician or nutritionist in order to develop a plan thats right for you