Why Did You Start?

Everyone’s fitness journey is different. Everyone has a different starting point and different factors that drove them to start. Everyone has a "why".

It could be athletics, a bad report from your doctor, wanting to be able to accomplish a climb or hike, or just simply wanting to look and feel better.

Whatever driving factors you had/have to push you to start, it’s important to repeatedly remind yourself of them each day. When workouts get tough or when that alarm goes off early, it’s easy to forget the “why”. It’s easy to hit the snooze button or tell yourself you had a long day of work.

If you’re setting lofty goals, which you should be, there are going to be early mornings when you want to hit snooze. There will be moments when that final set is the last thing you want to do. It’s going to be too hot or too cold. When that time comes, remind yourself, “Why did I start?”.

And push onward.

Remember, the data will talk. When you put in the work, the results will show.
