Circuit Sunday - 6/23/19

Circuit Sunday gives you a chance to push your boundaries and finish the week strong. We’ve worked hard all week and now it’s time for one final push!


* Complete 5 Sets (or adjust for skill level) *

* Take 30 seconds- 1 minute after completion of each round *

  • Squats x 10

  • Burpees x 10

  • Sit Thru’s x 20

  • Lunges x 10 each leg

  • 20- Yard Bear Crawl

  • Planks x 1 minute

  • 40- Yard Sprint

    *Depending on your skill level, you can adjust the number of reps and sets you complete. You don’t have to be the strongest or the fastest to participate. It’s all about YOUR boundaries and testing YOUR limits. Just keep working and each week, you’ll get better. Challenge yourself! *
